Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy Post Christmas!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
OK! Sooo much stuff to talk about!
Erik Feig, Summit Entertainment’s President of Production, stated, “It's always a challenge to find the right actor for a part that has lived so vividly in the imaginations of readers but we took the responsibility seriously and are confident, with Rob Pattinson, that we have found the perfect Edward for our Bella in TWILIGHT.”
Robert Pattinson most recently starred in LITTLE ASHES as the young Salvador Dali. Pattinson is best known for his role as Cedric Diggory in the recent box office successes HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX and HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE.
***A note from Stephenie about the casting of Robert Pattinson:
I am ecstatic with Summit's choice for Edward. There are very few actors who can look both dangerous and beautiful at the same time, and even fewer who I can picture in my head as Edward. Robert Pattinson is going to be amazing.
TWILIGHT tells the story of 17-year-old Bella Swan who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington to live with her father, and becomes drawn to Edward, a pale, mysterious classmate who seems determined to push her away. But neither can deny the attraction that pulls them together…even when Edward confides that he and his family are vampires. Their unorthodox romance puts her in physical danger when Edward’s nemesis comes to town and sets his sights on Bella.
Erik Feig, Summit Entertainment’s President of Production stated, “We at Summit are truly excited about the franchise potential of this remarkable Romeo and Juliet story. Of course, you are only as good as your Juliet and Kristen Stewart has that magical combination of being a great actress, deeply appealing, and perfect for the part.”
Meyer’s Twilight is a cultural phenomenon, hitting legions of readers of all ages, that has spawned two sequels including New Moon and Eclipse. Twilight is a #1 New York Times Best Seller and has been lauded by critics. Twilight’s recent sequel Eclipse most recently debuted at #1 on the USA Today bestseller list unseating the newest Harry Potter.
Erik Feig along with Summit Entertainment’s Senior Vice President of Production, Geoff Shaevitz, and Creative Executive Gillian Bohrer will oversee the project for the studio.
Kristen Stewart was introduced to worldwide audiences with her outstanding performance alongside Jodie Foster in PANIC ROOM. Stewart can now be seen in INTO THE WILD for director Sean Penn. She is currently shooting the female lead role in ADVENTURELAND opposite Ryan Reynolds and Jesse Eisenberg for director Greg Mottola. She will soon be seen in a starring role in the independent film THE CAKE EATERS for director Mary Stuart Masterson, the independent film YELLOW HANDKERCHIEF alongside William Hurt and Maria Bello and a supporting role in WHAT JUST HAPPENED alongside Robert De Niro and Sean Penn for director Barry Levinson.
Stewart is represented by The Gersh Agency and lawyer Joel McKuin at Colden McKuin & Frankel.
Karen Barna, Summit’s Director of Business Affairs, negotiated the deal on behalf of the studio.
About Summit Entertainment LLC
Summit Entertainment is a worldwide theatrical motion picture development, financing, production and distribution studio. The studio handles all aspects of marketing and distribution for both its own internally developed motion pictures as well as acquired pictures. Summit Entertainment, LLC also represents international sales for both its own slate and third party product. Summit Entertainment, LLC plans to release 10 to 12 films annually.
***A note from Stephenie about the casting of Kristen Stewart:
I'm very excited to have Kristen Stewart play Bella in the upcoming Twilight movie. She's an amazing actress with experience all across the board—action, horror, comedy, romance, and more. Since Twilight has moments that fit into every one of these genres, I'm thrilled to have a Bella who has practice with them all.
Summit's vision of the Twilight movie continues to dovetail very closely with mine, and I'm comforted to know that my "baby" is in the right hands.
For every actress that has been suggested as Bella in the past few years, there are always a slew of critics that cry, "But she doesn't look like Bella!" (Which can often be translated thusly: "She doesn't look like ME!") To this I would like to say: "Of course she doesn't!" Bella is a fictional character, and she looks different to everyone. As is the same with every actor who will be cast in the next few months, no one is going to match up with your mental picture exactly—or mine. The thing to hope for is a really great actor who can make us believe she is Bella (or Alice or so forth) for roughly two hours. I think we've got that with Kristen Stewart, and I can't wait to see her step into the role!
Monday, December 17, 2007
CEDRIC DIGGORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW EXCITING IS THAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~~~~~meaghan!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Did it work? nope didn't work. Let me try to fix it.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Now the details...mixed feelings
As most of you who are reading this already know, tonight was the night that my friends and I had the Folly Farm Holiday Party, and it was so much fun! I wish that you guys could have been there, you would have loved it!
For instance; we were expecting just our close friends from the barn to come, but in the end about fifty people showed up, and I'm not even kidding! There were about five plates of snacks, seven of cookies and cupcakes, and three kinds of sodas along with hot cider and cocoa. How awesome is that? Then, comes the best part...
Once everyone was really sugar-high and everything, I went over to my friends and suggested that we build up some fences and do courses in the ring to see who could go the longest and jump the highest, stuff like that. Then we started racing each other too. Let me tell you right now, racing each other in about five inches of heavy dirt and in boots with heels (even if they were small) is not the easiest thing in the world. It was so much fun because the ring is so big, about three of my friends and I would all line up at one end of the ring and run to the other [which I won every time]. Then comes Phil. Now let me just point out, he is five-eleven and I'm what...five-three? Totally unfair, but I thought maybe he would turn out to be slow...although I hightly doubted that.
Anyway, he walks up to me and goes "So if you're so fast race me." And all of my friends from the barn lined up on either side of us and made a line in the dirt to start. Ready, set, go!...he won by like, three feet, which was kind of depressing, because it's a big ring and I thought I had a chance (yeah, right!) But it was really fun all the same. Of course, the party could only get better from there...
You want to know the best thing about a good game of keep-away?
Everybody gets really wild and loud when they play it.
Want to know something else great about who was playing it?
It was all my friends from the barn, so people actually pass to me, unlike in gym class when they choose to ignore me. Let me assure you, because I am so fast, people passed to me a lot of the time.
Guess what we were playing with?
Phil's hat.
The best part about falling?
The guy who tackled you to get the hat back. :) I'm not kidding.
This game of keep-away must have been the best game I've every played, I'm not even kidding. It ended up going through the entire ring, and the schooling barn, which is a LOT of ground to cover. So yeah, it was a really good time, and EVERYONE was playing, so that made it even better. But like I said haven't heard the best part...
As we were all leaving, Phil was talking about how much he was going to quit riding and he was sooo going to miss it but didn't have time and whatever. (I didn't really want to hear about it) :'( But then his mom comes up behind us and says to him, "You're not quitting for good Phil! Riding is such a good outlet for you and look at all the friends you have here. No way are you leaving for good. We're just going to have to make time for you to come to the barn, aren't we?" [this is an exact quote]
~ L8A G8AS.
Ha, ha, ha...FINALLY!
I'm sorry all of the pictures are crappy, but it's really not my fault! Anyway, that's Phil again and my friend Marissa on the right.
Friday, November 23, 2007
How's everybody?
That was my question, because, it's the exact opposite when we visit my aunt and uncle. See, Aunt Jodie has this brilliant plan which she likes to call "Teams". This is when she makes us find our place card at the dinner table as soon as we walk into the house and look on the back. On the back of the card you will find a number of chores which each guest must do. SHE MADE ME WASH EVERY STINKING DISH FROM THE MAIN COURSE AND THEN DRY THEM ALL. THEN...MY 2ND COUSIN AND I HAD TO PUT THEM ALL AWAY AS WELL! I wouldn't normally complain, except you know what Aunt Jodies chore that she gave herself was? ... ENTERTAIN THE GUESTS! Yeah, I know. So while we were all slaving away, cleaning up her house, she's talking to all the adults that had to do stuff like, 'move the coats from the doorway' or 'set the silverware for dinner' or my favorite was Richard's chore: 'talk to Grandma and make sure she's having a good time' [That's not exactly the world's hardest task.] I swear she gives my cousins and I the hardest jobs, but whatever. I don't want you to think badly of her, I just want you to know how weirded out my Thanksgiving was. (It was a lot of fun anyway, though)
We had to do almost everything for desert too. 6 PIES, 2 PUDDINGS, 3 CARTONS OF get the picture. My family is massive.
Does that compare to Aunt Linda, Mollie? LOL
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Random TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm goin to see Wicked today!!!!!!!!! YAY! At the Bushnell! YAY!!!!! Mollie Jane is going tomorrow! IZZI LOVES PHILIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA! PHILIP!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Izzi's a stalker! hahahaha.
Pickle's are nummy! WOOOOOOOOO. RANDOM STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Thursday, November 15, 2007
OMG mollie!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Obi's got to be one of the best horses EVER
The cool part about me riding Obi was that Phil rode him later on too. How awesome is that?! Because then, we spent the entire time before Phil's lesson telling each other funny stories about stupid things that had happened while we were riding Obi, cuz he's such a nut. So then we got to talking about my ride and how Obi was behaving, and Phil was all impressed when I told him that Obi did the bending line for me at canter (that was pretty sweet) and then I acted all impressed when he told me a similar story about a horse show I guess I missed. Whatever.
Finally it was 6 o'clock and Phil went into the ring to get on Obi which left me by the gate. Oh well, we can't always steel a horse and ride with our friends... :( . It was so funny though because Obi was getting really wound up every time Phil trotted or cantered - trust me that horse can MOVE - and obviously Phil hasn't ridden in a while so he was all stiff and wasn't really expecting Obi to go so fast. So every time he rode by I would tell him to fix little things in his position and he would make some funny remark in return. Then when he started cantering he couldn't talk to me, so he walked by so many times as they took a breather while I whispered all these things he could do to make Obi slow his canter. That's what I had been practicing earlier in the day, so I had all the answers (as usual). It was really funny, that's all I've got to say.
But do you wanna know the best part?
Their mom heard my mom telling me that she would have to drive me to the barn later than I had wanted because she had to work late. So their mom joins into our conversation and starts telling me that if I ever need a ride, she'd be happy to drive me, seeing as Phil and Angela have riding on the same days that I do and even if they don't they love to come to the barn anyway, and that no one would mind in the slightest. Their mother is a GODDESS! So now I'm able to snag a ride with them if I ever need one, pretty sweet, huh?
...And now I'm all happy...
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Thanx Izzi...
~Remember a few things...
Only cool guys have pony tails,
All clowns are freaky
Friday, November 9, 2007
Back to Broadway...
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Every heard of walking a cat?
Start as early as you can, it's easier to train a kitten.
Use an "8" shaped cat harness, not a collar, for walking. But have a small collar with an ID on the cat, too.
Get the cat used to the harness in the house without the leash. Put it on before you fee him so he associates the harness iwth something pleasant. Don't leave it on very long.
When he is comfortable iwth the halter, put the leash on and let him drag it around. Train when the cat is hungry.
Use the cat's name, followed by "heel" as you would a dog. Move forward a couple of steps at a time very slowly. When the cat follows, give praise and a treat.
When the cat is comfortable with the lease, take him outside. Train on the grass and around bushes, which will interest the cat more than a sidewalk. Don't train in busy areas that may scare him.
Be sure the cat is up to date on vaccinations.
Walk the cat in you yard only so it won't get frightend by cars and dogs.
Always carry the cat out the door so he won't get frightend by cars and dogs.
Always carry the cat out the door so he doesn't get used to running out the door.
[sources: Laurie Clauss, Cattails Feline Health Center,]~Ah Bientot
Daniel Radcliffe is coming to Broadway!!!

Yes - the rumors are true, Daniel Radcliffe is going to star in Equus once again. It's also coming to America this time! Awesome, right? So I went through the notice that tells you all about it, blah, blah, blah, and here's some information about it. (this is so you can correct any rumors you hear)
- The play is showing on Broadway sometime in September 2008
- Daniel and Richard Griffiths will open in Equus in New York next September.
- For Daniel it's the fulfilment of a dream he did not think possible. (that's a quote)
- Ms O'Toole will now play Jill opposite Alfie Allen when Equus tours the UK, starting at the Chichester Festival Theatre on January 31.
- Director Thea Sharrock will begin rehearsals next August.
- The play, as readers of this page well know, is about a teenage boy who blinds six horses and how a psychiatrist explores why.
- The play will probably produce the biggest goldrush at the box office since Nicole Kidman disrobed in David Hare's The Blue Room last century.
Well, there you go. I hope you'll all take heed to these facts and enjoy the play if you decide to go!
equus. coming to broadway. dan will be in the states. and i can't go. :'(
By: Meaghan Schultheis
People plaster on a fake smile,
People are popular.
In their own cliques.
Give something to one,
You'll never get it back.
People are fake
People don't feel
People make fun of those who do feel
No one cares.
People see your pain,
And they keep walking.
Everyone is fake.
Yes, I wrote this one. I was feeling all depressed in science class, and I wrote poetry. This is my favorite. Comment!
Friday, November 2, 2007
by: Andrew C.
Well in this day and in this age
In this scene on the stage
We've found our nuclear war
And the simple teenaged protest lyrics
The words of the new anti-adherents
Will be ground into the floor.
The Uncle we called Sam
Back 'fore the war in 'Nam
Won't look a day ahead
I'm done arguing religion
I guess it's your decision
Either way we'll all be dead.
But I guess I can only hope
That we'll open our eyes and see;
Until then, good will to all
I pray for you and me.
Well in this smoke and in this fire
In this battle that's dear and dire
We've found our hurricane's eye
And the daily hated complications
The wars below the tide of nations
All take this time to sigh.
I've struck gold now in this life
I've found love and beaten strife
I hope you fare the same
But I'm done wading through the crosses
The new Crusades that bring such losses
The arsons of the flame.
But I guess I can only hope
That we'll open our eyes and see;
Until then, good will to all I pray for you and me.
Well in these minutes before the end
In this hour time seems to bend
We've reached the end of the road
And all the murders and greenhouse gases
The careless tossing of the masses
Makes no lighter the load.
And still at our creeping doom
Where for God there is no room
We fail to see the light;
I guess that I can only hope
That the wiser men will cope
And that this song is right.
But I guess I can only hope
That we'll open our eyes and see;
Until then, good will to all
I'll pray and never flee.
Until then, good will to all
I pray for the whole of we.
(Uh! It's sooo unfair if you read all of his poems and songs it makes you feel bad that you can't write that well! I guess I just have no redeaming qualities what so ever. Oh well)
:'( saddened.
So, last night I had a fight with Abby and Lily. I was reallly PO-ed at them, so I didn't want to talk to anyone when I got home. So I went up to my room to do my HW. I was still cooling off when I finished my HW, so I forgot to get the thingy signed. Now, I have a detention. It's on Monday, so when my mother comes home, the first thing she hears from me is, "Mom, I have a detention today. Can you sign this detention form and the Progress report (which i think i may have lost.) Oh yeah, Mom, the progress report says that I have two missing homeworks."
Then my mom goes..."meaghan, you are grounded. You have to quit Drama, Concert Choir, and Softball is no more. Life stops for you."
Then I cry, and everyone makes fun of me at school. And Mom didn't sign the detention slip so I get an office refferal. Then I get a Saturday school. Life sucks.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Andrew C.
Who said that three and three are equal to six,
or that branches fallen from trees must be sticks?
Who says Z is not lettered the fifteenth,
Or that above is up from beneath?
Five and five is twenty-six,
Say the laws that govern me
And one and one still equals two
Us two, the two of we
Where have gone the infidels
That did believe in a universe of ways?
To whom have all my spirits gone
In the final hours of these darkest days?
Whither hast my heart landed:
In the small town of No-where?
Or is it, perchance, furthur down the road
In the world's own land of a lair?
Five and five is twenty-six,
Say the laws that govern me
And one and one still equals two
But who's the second of we?
Where have gone the mathematicians
That sought the last of Pi?
To whom have all my enemies gone?
To their corner of the sky?
Whither hast my soul landed:
In no-man's measure of Hell?
Or has it landed in Elysium
Where most of all is well?
Five and five is twenty-six,
Say the laws that govern we
And one and one still equals one
The one and only me.
Isn't this the best poem? Why didn't anyone tell me Andrew could write like this!? Thank you Meaghan for posting it on you 'journal blog' from computer class. Now I'm gonna post it on here too. :P
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing the songs of angry men.
It is the music of a people
who will not be slaves again
When the beating of you heart
Echos the beating of the drums,
There is a life about start when tomorrow comes.
Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyong the barricade is there a world you long to see?
Do you here the people sing?
Say, do you here the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring when tomorrow comes!
(I don't own this song. It is from Les Miserables.)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Chapter 1
Don't ask me his name, because I won't know it. Or his email address, or his phone number, or anything else about him. I just know that he's the greatest guy in the world. For me at least. I guess you could think of it like a puzzle piece, really. You find that someone, and they really (and I mean really) fit into exactly what you're looking for, which is pretty awesome, don't you think? Unless that guy happens to be a year older than you, completely adorable, and goes to a different school.
But, like the idiot I am, I walked up to him, and -stupid as ever- introduced myself.
Of course I couldn't expect too much from him, seeing as he doesn't even know me. But instead he completely knocked me off my feat and started talking. Whatever, whatever - it didn't really matter in the end because right about then my mom came and picked me up. All I knew was that I was secretly and totally into him. Not that anyone else would understand.
Short chapter, huh?
Like so many times before...
Tomorrow is also halloween. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and we get to wear our costumes to school. I was having a conversation in Spanish today and the guy I was talking to said, " i don't understand why Halloween isn't a half day. Or, what the heck! give us a day off!" I couldn't agree more. Then I said, " While they're at it, why not the next day?" And the kid goes " and the day after that!" so, what do you think.
we should also get the world series off, too. When you look around, some kids look dead on their feet after a world series game. Ya wanna know something wrong with the world? The sports peepz had a world series game schedualed for tonight and the night after. Halloween. If the redsox lost 3 games in a row (didn't happen, Thank GOD!) and the game 7 was on, why make halloween a choice thing. If game 7 is on, you gotta watch it. But halloween is so much fun. ME GUSTA MUCHO EL BEISBOL!!!!!!
Thanks a lot guys...
Monday, October 29, 2007
Details, details...
Ok, so I was at the barn today (yeah, you bet I'm one of those freaky horse people) and guess who shows up? Phil! [Yeah, I told you you wouldn't know him.] Anyway, whatever-whatever. This guy is so much fun, no joke! I really like spending time with him and everything and we hang out when we see each other at the barn 'cause we get along, you know the story. But he's been out of the barn for three weeks now...
-Something I should tell you about this guy now; he's into hockey the way I'm into horses, so he's totally devoted, that's cool.
Anyway, he's been out for weeks because he fractured his knuckle, which got hit with a hockey puck while he was playing, and it's finally better! So he comes into the barn today and we're watching one of the lessons before I go work, and I tell him I'd better go do hay -this guy is so cute- he offered to help me with it and did, like, everything, he was so glad to be back at the barn. He even helped me clean my saddle, and that's pretty boring.
So we haven't hung out in a while, because we only talk and stuff hanging around the barn, but it was so nice. I swear, I don't know what's up with it, but I watched his lesson and everything (which I don't normally do because I have homework: the lesson went until 7 o'clock) and then he waved to me and stuff when we pulled out. I'd forgotten how much I seriously liked hanging out with Phil...what's up with that?
I don't know if I like the guy or anything, but now I'm all depressed 'cause we were talking about school and he said that because of hockey, he might be almost done with horses for, like, years. I hope not. :( I'll really, really miss him if he does go. Anyway guys, any advice?
P.S. This is FUNNY:
Phil goes to this catholic school (idk, I forget it's whole name) and said that his lacrosse team beat Granby 42 to 0. Ha, ha! And everyone here thinks they're so great!
~Ah revoir
I'm new to this so don't laugh...
One more suggestion; For those of you who have a lot going on, YOU NEED TO GET ORGANIZED IF YOU AREN'T!!! I wasn't for a couple weeks there, and thought I was...that was a BIG mistake. Eight grade will seriously bite you in the butt if you don't handle it well, so that's my friendly suggestion for today. I hope everyone who reads this takes it into perspective.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Now, first off...
I was over at my softball coaches house last night, and I couldn't sleep. We watched Scary Movie and Pirates 1. No one (But Meg N.) fell asleep before 3 am. It was really fun, but I had CCD today. Sam A.'s mom was gonna bring me. We were supposed to leave at 9 00. Sam's mom got us up at 8 55. Yeah, we were still on time to the 9 10 CCD class. I THINK that's all the random stuff I got. Oh wait.
Next time you watch Pirates 1, during the battle of the skeletons and the Royal Navy, there are guys fighting no one. Keep a sharp eye for details!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
O, Scary! Ghosts!
~~~lol, See ya~~~
Friday, October 26, 2007
Dan Radcliffe
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Brand New!!!!!!!!!!
~~ ta.