Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chapter 1

Don't ask me his name, because I won't know it. Or his email address, or his phone number, or anything else about him. I just know that he's the greatest guy in the world. For me at least. I guess you could think of it like a puzzle piece, really. You find that someone, and they really (and I mean really) fit into exactly what you're looking for, which is pretty awesome, don't you think? Unless that guy happens to be a year older than you, completely adorable, and goes to a different school.
But, like the idiot I am, I walked up to him, and -stupid as ever- introduced myself.
Of course I couldn't expect too much from him, seeing as he doesn't even know me. But instead he completely knocked me off my feat and started talking. Whatever, whatever - it didn't really matter in the end because right about then my mom came and picked me up. All I knew was that I was secretly and totally into him. Not that anyone else would understand.

Short chapter, huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, izzi. he swept you off your FEAT??? FEET YOU MORON!!!! Happy Halloween!