Hey again. I've just got to say this to somebody, and not anybody at the barn 'cause you know, everybody there would get it where as no one here will know what I'm talking about...sort of. I'm sure you can all relate to it though.
Ok, so I was at the barn today (yeah, you bet I'm one of those freaky horse people) and guess who shows up? Phil! [Yeah, I told you you wouldn't know him.] Anyway, whatever-whatever. This guy is so much fun, no joke! I really like spending time with him and everything and we hang out when we see each other at the barn 'cause we get along, you know the story. But he's been out of the barn for three weeks now...
-Something I should tell you about this guy now; he's into hockey the way I'm into horses, so he's totally devoted, that's cool.
Anyway, he's been out for weeks because he fractured his knuckle, which got hit with a hockey puck while he was playing, and it's finally better! So he comes into the barn today and we're watching one of the lessons before I go work, and I tell him I'd better go do hay -this guy is so cute- he offered to help me with it and did, like, everything, he was so glad to be back at the barn. He even helped me clean my saddle, and that's pretty boring.
So we haven't hung out in a while, because we only talk and stuff hanging around the barn, but it was so nice. I swear, I don't know what's up with it, but I watched his lesson and everything (which I don't normally do because I have homework: the lesson went until 7 o'clock) and then he waved to me and stuff when we pulled out. I'd forgotten how much I seriously liked hanging out with Phil...what's up with that?
I don't know if I like the guy or anything, but now I'm all depressed 'cause we were talking about school and he said that because of hockey, he might be almost done with horses for, like, years. I hope not. :( I'll really, really miss him if he does go. Anyway guys, any advice?
P.S. This is FUNNY:
Phil goes to this catholic school (idk, I forget it's whole name) and said that his lacrosse team beat Granby 42 to 0. Ha, ha! And everyone here thinks they're so great!
~Ah revoir
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I think that you should ask him if he has a email and try to keep in touch, if you really like him. Awwww... so sweet. Well you should try to find a way to talk to him. Lucky person! *sigh*
My advise is just that, and if its possible, I sooo wanna meet him!
IZZI LOVES PHILLIP! IZZI LOVES PHILIP! / Phil. I think Philip is more of a taunting name. IZZI LOVES PHILIP!
I guess, if you are REALLY confiding in me for advice (not a good choice with me. come on! a boy? I'm bound to make fun of you!) then I agree with mollie. I SOOOOOOOOOOO WANNA MEET HIM! I'll be civil. Let me get it out of my system now. IZZI LOVES PHIL!!!!!!!!!!! K. I might be done. maybe. possibly. Prolly not. Sorry Izzi, but this is just to good to not make fun of you for. Still <3 ya, but you gave me ammo!
btw, that was meaghan
got ya meaghan. thanks for all the support. :)
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