Saturday, October 27, 2007

O, Scary! Ghosts!

Hiya People! This is gonna be a very cool blog. What else would you expect from Meaghan, Izzi, and me Mollie! OK this is really weird but Meaghan was over at my house today and we were watching "The Scariest Places on Earth" 'Kay? So the people on this show go to 'Haunted Places' or have experienced 'Communications with spirits' and get all creeped out. It's all so fake, but who wouldn't be scared about this kind of stuff, right? My dad came and sat down to watch the show with us and started to tell us some 'stories' about our house and how the previous owner came back to warn him about the 'ghost' who lived in our house and lived in 'my' bedroom and my mom had seen it too in the basement. Ha ha ya like i believe that! Just to prove my dad wrong I went to go to ask my mom about what he had said about her seeing it and she said he was only tyring to scare us (no duh?!). After a while Meaghan and I get hungry so we decide to see whats in the freezer (in my basement). We get to the stairs and Meaghan stops dead in her tracks. She says that she doesn't want to go into the basement 'cause she scared that there are ghosts or something like that down there. And so for the rest of the afternoon i mocked her about that. If you happen to see Meaghan, just to freak her out, put your hands out in front of you and say 'Oh no! There is a ghostly presents here. The ghosts are creating a barrier i can't get though!' (She won't really get scared for those nice people out there, she'll just laugh, its fun to mock her!)
~~~lol, See ya~~~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What ever Meaghan says to defend herself, don't belive it. She was so scared to go into the basement after the show and only then.