Friday, November 2, 2007

:'( saddened.

Yeah. I am sad. Today I got a detention for not getting something signed. NOT GETTING SOMETHING SIGNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How stupid is that? I can answer that. Really stupid. so on monday, I am gonna have to stay after school. Get this, MY PARENTS AREN'T EVEN HOME! I had to get this thingy signed by my parents. I needed to get my grandmother to sign it.
So, last night I had a fight with Abby and Lily. I was reallly PO-ed at them, so I didn't want to talk to anyone when I got home. So I went up to my room to do my HW. I was still cooling off when I finished my HW, so I forgot to get the thingy signed. Now, I have a detention. It's on Monday, so when my mother comes home, the first thing she hears from me is, "Mom, I have a detention today. Can you sign this detention form and the Progress report (which i think i may have lost.) Oh yeah, Mom, the progress report says that I have two missing homeworks."
Then my mom goes..."meaghan, you are grounded. You have to quit Drama, Concert Choir, and Softball is no more. Life stops for you."
Then I cry, and everyone makes fun of me at school. And Mom didn't sign the detention slip so I get an office refferal. Then I get a Saturday school. Life sucks.

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